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Pug Mod 1.1.6


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Nazwa MOD'a: Auto-Mix (PUG) 1.1.6


Opis MOD'a:

PUG - Jest to MOD preferowany wyłącznie pod serwery mixowe.  Auto-Mix jak sama nazwa wskazuje jest MOD'em usprawniającym grę i w pełni automatycznym. Poprzez ustawienie cvarów gra odbywa się bezproblemowo bez udziału administratorów. 

Gra zaczyna się wyłącznie wtedy jak 10 graczy potwierdzi gotowość do gry(komenda), po tym następuje głosowanie na mapę (4 randomowe mapy z maps.ini), następnie wybór drużyn, a ostateczny wybór drużyn(CT lub TT) odbywa się przy tzw. nożówce. Zwycięska drużyna otrzymuje w nagrodę drużynę Counter Terrorist.

16 runda jest końcowa i decyduje o Zwycięscy. Rundy ace , mini-ace nie są liczone.

Automatyczne dodawanie zespołów (nie wiem jak to rozumieć), i wynik jest w postaci drużyn A i B (zamiast CT i TT)



!rr - Restart rundy (wyłącznie ADMINI)

!restart - Restart serwera (wyłącznie ADMINI)

!add / !unadd - Potwierdzenie lub zaprzeczenie gotowości do gry

!credits - Pokazuje nazwisko autora

!cmds / !commands - Drukuje w konsoli podgląd wszystkich komend (ANG)

!menu - Otwiera menu gracza

!score - Pokazuje wynik drużyn (tylko gdy zaczyna się mecz)

!voteban - Inteligentny system wykrywający TK, jeżeli zostanie ono wykryte można zbanować poprzez !voteban (10 minut). (Can NOT ban anyone you want, only the ones who TALK continuously)

amx_automix_settings - Dostęp wyłącznie dla ADMINISTRATORÓW, Polecenie owe pozwala konfigurować ustawienie pluginu auto-mix, cvary i maksymalną ilość graczy. 




pug_ffvote (0) - ustawienia FF | 1/0

pug_kniferound (1) - ustawienia nożówki | 1/0

pug_allowshield (1) - ustawienia tarcz w nożówce, jeżeli wartość 0, runda nożowa wyłączona

pug_players (10) - ustawienia maksymalnej ilości graczy, lub wymaganej do rozpoczęcia gry

pug_detecttk (1) - system wykrywający TK, obejmuje cały system voteban oraz automatycznie banuje masywną TK  | 1/0

mutemenu (1) - ustawienia menu wyciszenia | 1/0

pug_mapvote (1) - ustawienia głosowania na mapy. Jeżeli 1 - wszyscy gracze (pug_players) muszą ustawić gotowość do gry, wtedy odbędzie się głosowanie, jeżeli wartość 0, nie potrzebne zaakceptowanie gotowości

pug_ranking (1) - ustawienia tabeli na końcu meczu | 1/0.

mp_afktime (40) - wyrzucenie graczy AFK z meczu (czas w sekundach). Jest to osobny plugin - AFK KICKER 

#define MIN_AFK_TIME 30  // I use this incase stupid admins accidentally set mp_afktime to something silly. 
#define WARNING_TIME 15  // Start warning the user this many seconds before they are about to be kicked. 
#define CHECK_FREQ 5        // This is also the warning message frequency.  





pug.cfg - Plik pug.cfg obejmie wewnątrz całego serwera plugin, aby wysłać do konsoli serwera, gdy mecz został rozpoczęty! (Takich jak mp_startmoney 800)

practice.cfg - Trzeba będzie również umieścić plik practice.cfg w folderze cstrike, tak samo jak pug.cfg, ale to będzie wykonywane, gdy mecz się nie odbywa.

pug.ini - Plik ten będzie musiał być umieszczony w folderze amxmodx / configs, konieczne jest, aby pomóc jej w trybie wykrywania po zmianie mapy czy nie. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure there is '0' written in the file at installation, simple 0 (zero), no more)




1) Rozpakuj pliki i umieścić je w swoim folderze serwerów Counter-Strike. (Jeżeli plik znajduje HLDS)

2) Go to the file cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini and put at the bottom of the file 2 lines:

 • stats_pug.amxx
 • pimpspug.amxx

3) Zmień mapę / zrestartuj serwer. 

4) Pamiętaj, aby umieścić w amxmodx / configs / maps.ini mapy, które chcesz wymyślić w głosowaniu mapie. 



Link do pobrania:



Auto-Mix By p1Mp v1.1




October 5th, 2011 - Plugin published

v1.0.1 - Added a menu to get a player's approval if to bind 'N'

v1.0.2 - Fixed the bug at the 1st half ending when it kept switching teams.

v1.0.3 - Fixed Captains method bug (Not something you notice or know about)
v1.0.3 - Removed unnecessary chat messages
v1.0.3 - Fixed teammembers counter (detects if big amount of players left the match and gives 3 rounds before restarting match)

v1.0.4 - Fixed the server crash bug at the end of every match.

v1.0.5 - Blocked knife round bug (able to switch to pistol by continously switching weapons)

v1.0.6 - Added a feature of selecting team for the winning team in the knife round (Stay or Swap).

v1.0.7 - Minimizing code and making it more efficient & good looking.

v1.0.8 - Fixed Bans punishments from amx_ban to amx_banip

v1.0.9 - Fixed the bug of being able to change a team by 'retry'
v1.0.9 - Fixed Knife Round bug that when a team wins it still says "No team
 has won".

v1.1.0 - Fixed the CRASH problem after Knife Round.
v1.1.0 - Code optimization and making code more efficient with new methods.
v1.1.0 - Fixed "Stay or Swap" voting coming after Knife Round.
v1.1.0 - Score display (say !score) fixed and was set according to swapped teams.

v1.1.1 - Improved TK System - Once player TK'd enough that you can !voteban him, FF will turn off immediately until next round.
v1.1.1 - Improved TK System - If a player has TK'd and disconnected right after, you can still !voteban him since his details are stored.
v1.1.1 - Defusing points will not be included anymore in Ace / Mini-Ace countings.

v1.1.2 - Improved TK System by giving more warnings to players TeamKilling and giving them "1 more chance" before being able to be voted to ban.
v1.1.2 - Improved TK System, players will not lose their history if they reconnect ('retry') until the change of map ofcourse, so punishment is still available after 'retry's.
v1.1.2 - Fixed the Ace / Mini-Ace Bug, now it will be said to the correct persons.
v1.1.2 - Added a menu to easily change cvar values to enable/disable features on the auto-mix plugin, command: amx_automix_settings (console command || Admin Access Only)
v1.1.2 - Added few more Cvars to have more features on the server, allowing or not allowing things.
v1.1.2 - Added End-Of-Match summative *top players* Ranking of players, can be disabled/enabled by the menu.

v1.1.3 - Modifyed !cmds commands and what it prints to make it better looking and that it'll suit the new commands.
v1.1.3 - Fixed the End-Of-Match Ranking table that it will display names.
v1.1.3 - Created a new ranks system, when you gain/lose points on certain situations listed in amx_automix_settings, and by that points you are getting Ranked (6 ranks total), all prices can be easily set in-game by the admin of the server.
v1.1.3 - Fixed buying shield by 'shield' command in console bug (that it won't block if decided to block shield).
v1.1.3 - Added more features to the amx_automix_settings Admins Menu:
Not Ready / Ready - I added the Ready list as of who's ready, and these can be set to "Not ready" only display, "Ready" only displaying, or both.

Enable / Disable Maps vote

Match Rankings table at the end of the round (fixed)

Teams Tagging - You can now enable/disable Team A/Team B

(Mini) Ace Announcements - You can disable those Ace / Mini Ace announces of players

AFK Kick - you can disable/enable AFK kicks at matches.

Not Ready Pos - You can set the Not Ready Position list on the screen

Ready Pos - You can set the Ready List position on the screen

Ready & Not Ready pos on the screen is EXACT since its by X & Y location.

Ranks System - Enable / Disable the Ranks System I created with the points, when you're being ranked on the server by the pug plugin.

Ranks System Messages - Enable / Disable the message of when you gain / lose points (in chat)

Points Values - Set the points values, ex: how much points will you gain when killing and lose when dieing, etc...

Ranks Points Prices - Set UNTIL what amount the player will be the rank specified (of the ranks system)

v1.1.3 - Added !startmatch command (ADMINS Only) to force a match to start, no matter how many players or what the conditions are, it will run, even after the map change.
v1.1.3 - Added !stopmatch command (ADMINS Only) to force a match to stop, it will stop no matter what and restart the server.
v1.1.3 - Added a donation button on the thread, please donate if you want to show support and appreciation toward my work ;)

v1.1.4 - Added Multi-Lingual System. Is your language missing? Help translate the plugin *HERE*
v1.1.4 - Fixed the right timing announce of Ace / Mini-Ace
v1.1.4 - Improved and added features to the amx_automix_settings (Admins console command)
v1.1.4 - Fixed CPU leaks that happened to few people, not everyone, for some reason, server does not crash now at end of match or random places.
v1.1.4 - Fixed setting points values in amx_automix_settings for the ranks system.
v1.1.4 - Added 'Language' option to the players' menu.

v1.1.5 - Fixed some error logs of strings formatted incorrectly, problem comes from the ML system, but fixed.
v1.1.5 - Fixed bug of match is suddenly stuck at captains vote, and not continuing anymore because of some "AFK" report from the plugin.
v1.1.5 - Fixed item=MENU_EXIT problem at player's menu when menu_display is being called.
v1.1.5 - Fixed some bugs from the pervious version so it should run better now.

v1.1.6 - Fixed client_cmd of killing a player in specific events, did not slay players before (For example: captain mode)
v1.1.6 - Added new Language - Deutch (in the .zip file updated auto-mix.txt file)

July 23rd, 2013 - Plugin Approved.



Plugin scripted by p1Mp AKA Diegork
Version 1.1.6
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