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Pug Mod 1.8.3


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Nazwa MOD'a: Pug Mod 1.8.3


Opis MOD'a: 

Ten mod automatyzuje całą grę, wspieranie zaawansowanych poleceń,
liczyć rundy, zespoły zarządzające, mapy, HLTV, statystyki i wiele więcej!




MetaMod v1.21.1+
AmxModX 1.8.3-dev-git5100+
HLDS CS Dedicated server build 6153+




Vote map - głosowanie na mapy 

Team Picker - Wybór drużyny 

Knife Round - Runda nożowa 

Config chooser

Overtime chooser

Admin Commands - Komendy Admina 

Client Commands - Polecenia klienta

Automatic Overtime (automatyczne nadgodziny)

Round Stats commands - Komendy statystyk rund 

Ready System - Gotowy system 

Auto Swap Teams

Teams balancer + Spectators management - zarządzanie balansem drużyn i pozycji widoku (1,2,3osoba)

AFK Kicker

Automatic LO3 config - Automatyczna konfiguracja LO3

Warmup Rounds - Liczenie rund

Weapon restrictions - Ograniczenia broni

Multi language support in execution time - Obsługa języków - angielski i hiszpański.

Auto setup and configuration - Automatyczna instalacja i konfiguracja

Automatic Help system - Automatyczny system pomocy

Automatic Stats system with SQL Support - Automatyczny system Statystyki z obsługą SQL

Easy Anti Cheat support - Wspomaganie Easyanticheat 

Anti-Flood system - System Anti-Flood

Statystyki poleceń ( w grze ) 

SQL Ban System i rejestr systemu

Automatyczne komunikaty w grze

Niestandardowy układ admina 

System HLTV 

System ukazujący wejścia graczy





.status - Status PUG

.score - Pokazuje wyniki drużyn

.round - Wyświetla aktualną rundę

.ready - Potwierdzenie gotowości w grze

.notready - Zaprzeczenie gotowości w grze

.hp - Wyświetla HP drużyny wroga

.dmg - Wyświetla szkody zrobione w każdej rundzie

.rdmg - Wyświetla szkody otrzymane w każdej rundzie

.sum - Wyświetla podsumowanie rundy

.help - Wyświetla pomoc PUG 

.eac - Wyświetla strzały w EasyAntiCheat (Wymagane zainstalowanie wtyczki)

.stats - Pokazuje statystyki gry (Wymagane skonfigurowanie statystyk)

.rank - Pokazuje ranking (Wymagane skonfigurowanie statystyk)

.match - pokazuje mecz (Wymagane skonfigurowanie statystyk)

.votekick - Głosowanie za wywaleniem gracza

 .setup - Sterowanie menu kontroli PUG

.start - Start po skonfigurowaniu PUG


Administrator commands

!pause - Pause the Pug
!unpause - Unpause the pug
!togglepause - Pause / Unpause the Pug
!pugstart - Force the PUG to start
!pugstop - Stop the Pug
!pugreset - Reset the pug settings
!forceready - Force the Player to ready state
!forceunready - Force the Player to unready state
!votemap - Start a vote for the next map
!voteconfig - Start a vote for config type
!kill - Kill the selected player
!map - Change the map
!kick - Kick the given player
!rcon - Sends a rcon command to server
!ban [Minutes] [Reason] - Ban the given player (Need PugDB installed)
!unban - Ban the given player (Need PugDB installed)
!help - Pug Mod Help Admin page




pug_access_mode - Acess mode to server
pug_password_field - Password field for setinfo
pug_default_access - Default access for non-admin users
pug_eac_url - URL that uses for show EAC screenshots
pug_eac_url_format - URL order of main address from EAC
pug_version - Show the Pug Mod Version
pug_players_min - Minimum of players to start a game (Not used at Pug config file)
pug_players_max - Maximum of players allowed in the teams (Not used at Pug config file)
pug_players_min_default - Minimum of players to start a game (This will reset the minimum of players in every map change)
pug_players_max_default - Maximum players to reset (This will reset the maximum of players in every map change)
pug_rounds_max - Rounds to play before start Overtime
pug_rounds_overtime - Rounds to play in overtime (In total)
pug_allow_overtime - Allow Overtime (If zero, the game can end tied)
pug_intermission_time - Time to reset pug after game ends
pug_allow_spectators - Allow Spectators to join in server
pug_allow_hltv - Allow HLTV in pug
pug_retry_time - Time to player wait before retry in server
pug_force_ready_time - Force a player to be ready in that time (If zero, this function will be inactive)
pug_force_ready_kick - Kick Un-Ready players (If zero, the players will be put as ready automatically
pug_force_auto_swap - Auto Swap teams without Ready-System if the teams are complete
pug_force_restart - Force a restart when swap teams
pug_switch_delay - Delay to swap teams after Half-Time start
pug_block_shield - Block shield from game
pug_block_grenades - Block grenades at warmup rounds
pug_show_money - Display the money of team in every respawn
pug_vote_delay - How long voting session goes on
pug_vote_percent - Difference between votes to determine a winner
pug_vote_map_enabled - Active vote map in pug
pug_vote_map - Determine if current map will have the vote map (Not used at Pug config file)
pug_vote_map_same - Add the current map at vote map menu
pug_show_scores - Show scores after vote maps
pug_teams_enforcement - The teams method for assign teams (0 = Vote, 1 = Captains, 2 = Automatic, 3 = None, 4 = Skill)
pug_teams_kniferound - Force a Knife Round after choose teams
pug_show_votes - Method to show votes results (1 = Chat, 2 = Hudmessage)
pug_hlds_votes - Allow HLDS native votes commands as vote and votemap
pug_vote_kick_percent - Percentage to kick an player using Vote Kick
pug_vote_kick_teams - Vote Kick only for teammates
pug_config_pugmod - Config executed for pugmod cvars
pug_config_warmup - Used at warmup session in pug mod
pug_config_start - Executed when vote session start
pug_config_live - Used when the match begin (Live config)
pug_config_halftime - Used at half-time session
pug_config_overtime - Used at Overtime session
pug_config_end - Executed when the match ends
pug_sql_host - SQL server address
pug_sql_user - Database user
pug_sql_pass - Database password
pug_sql_db - Database name
pug_bans_url - URL that will store bans page
pug_require_register - Kick players that is not registred at database
pug_leaves_ban - Ban a player that reaches a number of leaves
pug_leaves_bantime - Time to ban when reach leave infraction times (In minutes)
pug_ranked_server - Rank the server to database
pug_web_url - URL of stats pages for pug mod
pug_hltv_host - Remote HLTV IP address
pug_hltv_port - Remote HLTV Port
pug_hltv_pass - Remote HLTV (Rcon|adminpass) Password
pug_hltv_demo_dir - Demos sub-dir (Stored at cstrike folder)
pug_hltv_demo_name - Demo name prefix (Ie. pug will be saved as pug-1504070051-de_dust2.dem)




Pobierz Ostatni AMXX dev z
Pobierz dodatki AMXX baza + AMXX cstrike
Przenieś amxmodx_mm.dll lub do addons / amxmodx folderu / DLL
Skopiuj cstrike, CSX, fakemeta, hamsandwich, mysql i wtyczki do folderu modules
Teraz można skompilować Pug Wtyczki ze skryptów (baza) pakiet pobrany z amxmodx
Skopiuj wszystkie .amxx wtyczek do addons / amxmodx folderu / plugins
Pobierz Metamod 1,21-am stąd i umieścić w addons / metamod folderu / DLL
Skonfiguruj swój plugins.ini w folderze addons / metamod według systemu (Linux lub Windows)
Po tym wszystkim, należy skonfigurować pugmod.rc w addons / amxmodx / configs / pog jak chcesz
przesyłanie folderów dodatki z liblist.gam i server.cfg do HLDS
Wystarczy uruchomić serwer (lub skonfigurować server.cfg najpierw)



Link do pobrania:

Pug Mod 1.8.3






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