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[Druga opcja] Odwołanie od bana <Szycha>


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Nick : Szycha

Wycinek z konsoli(bez IP)*

[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "<empty>"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 10072 (revision 9173482)
[Client] Server Number: 2
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.001343 seconds
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CMoverPathNode
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CPathMover
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 51.809 msec
[Client] CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  1 player server started
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV:  Sending full update to client Szycha (reason:  initial update)
[Client] Receiving 0.5K non-incremental update from server
Szycha dołącza do gry.

Serwer : supermoce

Link do bana https://sourcebans.cs-classic.pl/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=szycha&advType=name

Wyjaśnienie - Grałem na serwerze zanim powstał cs2, grałem cały czas bez Prime. Dzisiaj dostałem bana za Fake ACC// BUY PRIME.

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Wycinek z konsoli

[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'server'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=99d6473a@loopback:1 <-> server=e0fbbb24@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan Szycha @ loopback:0 (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #3774593828 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan server @ loopback:1 (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #2580956986 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL:  Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [Szycha]
[Server] Client 0 'Szycha' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "<empty>"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 10072 (revision 9173482)
[Client] Server Number: 2
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.001536 seconds
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CMoverPathNode
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CPathMover
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 65.057 msec
[Client] CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  1 player server started
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV:  Sending full update to client Szycha (reason:  initial update)
[Client] Receiving 0.5K non-incremental update from server
Szycha dołącza do gry.
[Networking] server @ loopback:1:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL:  Signon traffic "server":  incoming 12.402 KB [19 pkts], outgoing 1.073 KB [18 pkts]
[Networking] Szycha @ loopback:0:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
[WorldRenderer] CWorldRendererMgr::ServiceWorldRequests long frame: 42.436527ms
(16713) Dynamic prop prop_dynamic (model models/chicken/chicken.vmdl): no sequence named:idle01
[SoundSystemLowLevel] Decreased audio mix latency to 4 buffers
[SoundSystemLowLevel] Decreased audio mix latency to 3 buffers

Edited by Szycha
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  • Root
W dniu 21.09.2024 o 23:47, Szycha napisał(a):

Grałem na serwerze zanim powstał cs2, grałem cały czas bez Prime. Dzisiaj dostałem bana za Fake ACC// BUY PRIME.

Kup prosze prime i wstaw ss, że go masz

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